It all starts with a book
About the project:
- Project Duration: It all starts with a book will run from september 2023 to august 2025
Action type: Smallscale partnership in adult education
Project Partners: Ligo Ligo, Centrum voor Basiseducatie Brugge-Oostende Westhoek
Ligo Brugge-Oostende-Westhoek is one of the 13 approved Ligo-organizations in Flanders. They organize education/training for adults who are illiteral. Their goal is to make them more self-relaint so they can function and participate on their own in the society. type: Smallscale partnership in adult education
Grant: 60 000 EUR
Erasmus+ Result Platform:
During this project, we will create a booklet of different activities for adult learners with children from 0-6 years old and 7-12 years old. These will focus on inclusion and preventing illiteracy through activities with literature. These will also function as social arenas. As the title of the project says: it all starts with a book. Building activities around books that can bring joy and learning for adult learners and their children will be a central part of the project.
During the project we will collaborate with local organizations that work with adult learners and families. We will arrange different activities for the target group at the library and at other local arenas. These will be a part of the booklet that we will share with libraries and other organizations after the projects end.
Contact: Project manager: Mariell Wilhelmsen Vågen
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